Cognitive Behavior Therapy
CBT empowers
your mind
I truly believe, no matter how big or small your problems are, no matter what age or experiences you’ve endured, learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) will strengthen your mind. It sounds complicated but learning the initial steps of CBT can be rather simple.
The CBT model is based on this CBT triangle. Essentially, it explains that our thoughts are connected to our emotions, and our emotions are connected to our behaviors. They can be non-linear but are intertwined, meaning that emotions can also lead to thoughts and behaviors, in any combination.
We all have automatic thoughts that are running through our minds every second of the day. These thoughts can be positive (“I had a really funny dream yesterday”), negative (“Today’s going to be the worst day ever”), or neutral (“I wonder what my cat’s thinking about”). By focusing on our negative automatic thoughts, they can easily lead to negative emotions (dread, hopelessness) and negative behaviors (isolation, anger outbursts). Let’s not forget about the physical feedback these components bring onto our bodies (muscle tension).
The goal of CBT is to give a little more attention to how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are intertwined and breaking the vicious cycle of negativity, or alternatively shedding light on an ill-perceived reality. It’s easy to exaggerate and overreact throughout the day (“I hate my life!”). However, these negative thoughts can quickly add up more than we’d like and exacerbate a truth behind our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Learning how to restructure your negative thoughts, not to just positive thoughts, but more realistic thoughts is one way to end this vicious cycle. Join us in becoming an expert in CBT and unlocking deeper ingrained statements that affect our core values and how we see the world.